IT contractor expenses – what can you claim for?

it contractor expenses

If you’re a limited company contractor, you can offset a wide range of expenses against your company’s profits – reducing its Corporation Tax liability.

Here we look at some of the typical expenses you will incur as a contractor and how they are treated for tax purposes.

Limited company contractor expenses – the basics

The golden rule is that you can only claim business expenses incurred wholly and exclusively while carrying out your trade.

You may pay for these costs out of your own pocket – and reclaim them from your company, or the company may pay for them directly.

It doesn’t matter how they were paid for as long as they are genuine business costs.

There are many ‘grey areas’ – for example, if you claim for something that has a ‘dual-purpose’ (personal and business use).

Remember that accurate record-keeping is essential. Not only is this required by HMRC, but it will also make your accountant’s job easier and ensure you claim every allowable expense.

You should always check with your accountant if you are unsure about the validity of your expense claims.

Typical contractor expenses

Here are some typical tax-deductible expenses your company can typically offset its Corporation Tax liability.


Such as hotels and guest houses – as long as you work away from your permanent residential address.

Advertising and marketing

  • Online advertising (e.g., Google Ads, social media promotions).
  • Print media advertisements.
  • Design costs for marketing materials like flyers or brochures.
  • Branding services, including logo design.

Annual company staff event

Claim up to £150 per eligible person for an annual company event (e.g. a Christmas party).

Business Insurance

  • This includes professional indemnity, business liability and tax investigation cover.
  • Other types of business-related insurance, such as cyber liability insurance.
  • Find out more about contractor insurance.

Charitable donations

Donations made to registered charities, provided they are monetary donations, not services or goods.

Computing equipment

The tax treatment of PCs, laptops and other equipment is accounted for via a system of capital allowances.

Computer software

  • Most contractors incur costs on anything from Office 365 and Norton Antivirus to software specific to their skill set.
  • This can also include subscriptions to cloud-based services like Dropbox or Adobe Creative Cloud.

Debt Recovery Costs

If you have unpaid invoices, you might incur costs related to using debt recovery agencies and any associated legal fees.


Eye test

  • If you use computer equipment, you can claim the cost of an annual eye test!
  • If glasses are specifically required for screen work, the cost of these may also be allowable, but the rules are tight.

Finance and bank charges

  • Business bank account monthly fees
  • Interest on loans and overdrafts
  • International payment fees.
  • Business credit card annual fees (if used solely for business).
  • Transaction charges for accepting payments.

Income Protection

  • Executive income protection premiums are allowable.
  • This type of insurance pays out if a director cannot work due to illness or injury.

Life Insurance

Medical check-up

  • The cost of an annual check-up with BUPA, WPA, or a private doctor, etc.
  • To qualify, this must be limited to one check-up per year per company director.


National Insurance

Your company pays any Employers’ National Insurance on salaries above the current threshold.

Office and co-working space

  • The cost of renting office space.
  • Membership fees for shared workspaces (e.g., Regus, WeWork).
  • Office furniture rental.
  • Setup costs for rented offices.

Pension contributions

Executive pension contributions represent a popular tax-deductible expense.

Professional fees

Such as accountancy fees or the costs of using a solicitor for business purposes.

Professional development

  • Books, eBooks, and online courses directly related to your professional skills.
  • Webinars or virtual events aimed at professional growth or technical updates.

Professional magazines

  • Subscriptions to magazines and periodicals, if strictly related to your business.
  • This may include digital subscriptions if they are relevant to your work.


Relocation, including removal expenses – subject to certain conditions.


Any salaries paid to directors and other employees. This is often a company’s biggest single annual expense.

Software development and licensing Costs

Some IT contractors may have costs like

  • SaaS subscriptions for development tools (e.g., GitHub, AWS, or Azure services).
  • Licensing fees for APIs or development frameworks.
  • Test environments or virtual server costs.

Subscriptions to professional organisations

  • Allowable as long as the organisation appears on HMRC’s prescribed list.
  • If you belong to a membership organisation that offers training, certification, or industry networking opportunities, these costs may also be allowable.


The costs of postage, stationery, printing, business cards, etc.


You can claim for the cost of meals and subsistence whilst away from home, as long as you are not working at a temporary workplace for 24 months or more.

Telephones, Broadband

  • Mobile and internet costs – if the contracts are in the company name.
  • You can also claim business phone calls if they are itemised on a personal bill, although this is less commonplace nowadays with inclusive minutes.


  • Training courses are allowable if they are directly related to your contract work.
  • Courses to update your professional skills or obtain certifications required for your work are typically tax-deductible.

Travel costs

  • You can reclaim the cost of parking, all other types of transport, and any congestion charge fees.
  • Make sure to keep tickets, receipts, or invoices as evidence for these claims.

Website costs

  • The costs of setting up a business website, including web design and buying domain names.
  • Costs associated with maintaining or updating the website, including hosting, email and SEO services.

Working from home

  • You can claim a flat £6/week allowance for your home office – and receipts are unnecessary.
  • Alternatively, you can claim for a proportion of certain household expenses – but only when you can validly allocate the business element. Find out more here.

Work clothes

  • There is limited scope for claiming work clothing expenses.
  • If you need to buy protective clothing purely for work, this may be allowable.
  • Standard ‘everyday’ clothes don’t count.

IR35 and the 5% allowance

When IR35 was first implemented in 2000, limited companies caught by the rules could claim a fixed 5% allowance to cover the administration expenses associated with running a business.

Following the introduction of the ‘Off Payroll’ rules in April 2017 (public sector) and April 2021 (private sector), the allowance was scrapped for most contractors – with one notable exception.

If you work for a ‘small company’ client, you can still claim the 5% allowance if your contract work is caught by IR35.

This allowance is a flat rate deduction of 5% of the gross fees receivable for any relevant contracts.

Learn more about the ‘5% allowance’ in our dedicated article, IR35 deemed payment and the treatment of expenses.

Expense claims for umbrella contractors

If you’re an umbrella company contractor, your scope to offset the cost of any expenses you incur against your contract income is very limited.

This is due to the 2016 SDC rules – which mean your ability to claim expenses is similar to that of a standard ’employee’ if you’re under your client’s supervision, direction and control.

However, some expenses (e.g., mileage or subsistence) may still be allowable if they are incurred while working at temporary sites and meet the necessary conditions.

Find out more in our guide to umbrella company expenses.

Final considerations

Always ensure that any expenses you claim are genuine and were incurred solely for business purposes, and keep receipts for any expenses you claim.

If you’re in any doubt, ask your accountant for advice.

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