A limited company owner’s guide to the Confirmation Statement

confirmation statement

If you run a limited company, you should already know about the Confirmation Statement.

This official document updates the registrar of companies – Companies House – with your company’s details.

In simple terms, it confirms that all of your company information is accurate and up to date and that your company is compliant with company law.

In this guide, we explain the following:

  • What does the confirmation statement include?
  • People with Significant Control
  • When should I file my confirmation statement?
  • How do you file your Statement?
  • Company changes you need to file outside of the confirmation statement
  • March 2024 changes
  • Companies House video
  • Confirmation statement FAQs

What does the Confirmation Statement include?

The statement includes key details about your company, such as:

  • Information on the company’s directors and secretary (if you have one).
  • The address of the registered office.
  • Share capital information.
  • Information about individuals with significant control (PSC).

Companies House, the registrar of all limited companies, collects and maintains the information, which all companies must update at least once yearly. You can read a concise official overview here.

People with Significant Control (PSC)

A key requirement of the Confirmation Statement is the reporting of People with Significant Control (PSC).

A PSC is defined as someone who:

  • Holds more than 25% of voting rights in the company.
  • Owns more than 25% of the shares.
  • Has significant control or influence.
  • Has the right to appoint or remove directors.
  • Has significant control over a company or trust.

You must clearly state this in your filing if your company has no PSCs.

When should my company file a Confirmation Statement?

The confirmation statement is due 12 months after your company’s incorporation or the last confirmation statement filing.

You must file at least once per year – even if nothing has changed since your last submission.

Companies House emails reminders before the due date, and directors have up to 14 days after the due date to file.

How do you file a Confirmation Statement?

You can file your confirmation statement in two ways:

  • Via the government’s WebFiling system. You will need to register if you haven’t already done so.
  • Paper form CS01.

Filing costs £34 if you use the online service or £62 for the paper form. You only pay one fee, regardless of how many changes you make.

If you have an accountant, the filing will typically be included as one of their annual tasks.

Company changes you must report – outside of the Confirmation Statement

Several company changes, such as a new director’s appointment or changes to your company’s share structure, require you to inform Companies House swiftly – in some cases, within 14 days.

These changes must be reported separately to the Confirmation Statement.

You can file forms for various changes via Webfiling, or via the post.

Read the full list here.

The only changes you can report via the Confirmation Statement are:

  • SIC code
  • statement of capital
  • trading status of shares
  • exemption from keeping a register of ‘people with significant control’
  • shareholder information

2024 and 2025 Changes

As of March 2024, following the implementation of the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act, several changes were made to the Confirmation Statement.

  1. Digital verification: From March 2025 onwards, all directors and PSCs must verify their ID before submitting details to Companies House. Your accountant should be able to validate your details, or you can do so online (details of how this works to follow).
  2. Registered email address: All companies must provide a registered email address for Companies House communications for new incorporations and submissions after March 2024. Importantly, this address won’t appear on the public register.
  3. Statement to confirm the company is lawful: From March 2024 onwards, all companies must also confirm that their intended future activities are lawful. This simply involves ticking a checkbox each time you submit.

Companies House video

Watch this quick 2-minute official video explaining how the process works in simple terms.

Confirmation Statement FAQs

1. What happens if I don’t file the confirmation statement on time? If you don’t file on time, you might receive a penalty, removal from the Companies House register, and even legal action against the company and its directors in extreme cases.

2. Can I update my company’s details in any other way? Yes, some changes, including director appointments or a change to your registered office address, can be updated immediately via Companies House’s Online Filing.

3. Do I need to file a confirmation statement if my company is dormant? Yes, dormant companies must still file a confirmation statement to confirm that no details have changed over the past year.

4. What is the penalty for filing false information? If you submit false or misleading information, you may be fined or even imprisoned for up to two years.

5. How do I know if my PSC details are correct? Ask your accountant if you’re unsure about any aspects of filing your confirmation statement.

6. How does digital ID verification work? As of March 2025, directors and PSCs must verify their identity through a secure online system – or via their accountant. Further details on this will follow shortly.

7. Can I change my company’s filing date? No, the filing date is fixed based on your incorporation or last filing date. However, you can file earlier if you need to.

8. Can I correct mistakes in a filed confirmation statement?
Yes, if you make an error in a submitted confirmation statement, you must file a second one to correct it. This is called a “second filing” and should be done as soon as the mistake is identified.

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